Murska - tuottavuutta luonnollisesti

Murska mills

Productivity in harmony with nature

Murska disc and roller mills are designed for producing crimped fodder on livestock farms. Crimping is a method by which the grain is flattened without drying and stored in airtight conditions, like silage. The green fodder method increases milk and meat yields, significantly reduces costs and is environmentally friendly.

Read more about grain crimping

<span>Productivity</span> in harmony with nature

Benefits for you

Grain crimping is cost effective

Crimped grain has a higher nutritional value than feed ground from dry grain. Grain crimping also reduces mycotoxin levels.

Easy storage

Crimped grain can be stored in airtight plastic tubes, bunkers, horizontal silos, clamps or tower silos. Bagging crimped grain in plastic tubes is a low-cost and simple storage method.

No extra drying costs

Crimped grain is not dried before crimping. This saves a lot of work, energy and the environment.

Check our products

Murska W-Max 40 kiekkomylly

Murska disc mills

Murska W-Max is a series of powerful disc mills designed to crimp both dry and moist grain. The largest model can crimp up to 100 tonnes of maize per hour.

Murska roller mills

Murska roller mills are designed for contractors and livestock farms. A wide range of models in different sizes is available.

Multipurpose chassis

Murska equipment

Select equipment to suit the specific needs of your Murska mill.

Spiral conveyors

Spiral conveyors are a convenient way of transferring grains, flours and granular feed.

Other products

Find out about our other products that can increase your productivity.

Murska news


New Murska website is open

New Murska website is now open. There will be more content and language versions coming in the future. Have a look at out new webpages!

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